• MEMBER EDUCATION DAY - 3rd November 2023
  • Bunista Board and Management Members
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Welcome to Bunista Sacco Society Ltd

Bunista SaccoSociety Ltd was registered in November, 2010 under the co-operative society’s ACT Cap 490 Registration number 12880.The Sacco draws its membership form Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University employees and their spouses

The sacco has its offices at the university main campus (Finance Office Compound behind Procurement Offices)

Bunista Sacco has achieved steady growth over the years. Since its inception the Sacco has experienced growth in its membership, share capital, non-withdrawable deposits

At the end of 31st Dec. 2023:

Membership: 426

Non-withdrawable Deposits: Kshs. 146,809,601.00

Share Capital: Kshs. 11,611,464.00

Loan portfolio: Kshs. 154,700,744.00

Total Asset base: Kshs. 228,369,870.00

Core Capital: Kshs. 42,064,541.00